What a Trip, Amber Brown! N.

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INFO: Danzinger, Paula. What a Trip, Amber Brown! N. 2001.

DESC: Although it hails from acclaimed, hilarious and beloved Amber Brown maven Paula Danzinger (R.I.P., Paula!), What a Trip comes from Danzinger’s “A is for Amber” younger reader’s series. While the book makes for a Henry-and-Mudge-esque introduction to the world of Amber, it is very, very “young” feeling for a level N – if a student can handle What a Trip, Amber Brown, with its copious illustrations and much-reduced level of charming punnery, they can certainly handle – and benefit from – reading Amber Brown herself. Suggested for students in the K-L range – especially since Amber, here, seems to be about 5, rather than 7 or 8. While still recognizably Amber, the “very young reader” lens definitely clouds the potential appeal for our 2nd and 3rd graders. Still – great for getting some classic “Amber spirit” in the house for a quick one-or-two session read, or for any students who love summer, vacations, camping, or all three!

TAGS: amber brown, paula danzinger, summer, camping, mountains, pools, friendships, argument, vacation, summer vacation, easy readers, easy reads, quick, non-intimidating, N-runs-low, N, fiction