Tornado. O.

INFO: Byars, Betsy. Tornado. O. 1996.

DESC: Classic later-period Betsy Byars! This charming tale is a must for any who are fans of the “boy-and-dog” genre. Interestingly, like Bunnicula, it also features a fairly complex frame narrative structure which keeps readers on their toes, and can be the source of many good orienting conversations about which story we are “inside” of at each moment. The story begins with a boy and his family gathered into their storm cellar with Pete, their farmhand, as a twister descends on their farmstead. Our narrator’s father, “Link” Lincoln, is trapped outside in his fields as the tornado hits. To calm everyone’s nerves, Pete begins to tell a series of interwoven stories about his time on his own farm down tornado alley – and the time he found a dog, doghouse and all, plopped down in his yard by a twister! The saga of Pete and “Tornado” that ensues is by turns funny, witty, original, and heartbreaking. This is an unforgettable and highly engaging story full of both enduring human themes and strong regional flair – and it will have even stronger resonance as students turn their eyes to the aftermath of the tragedies in Oklahoma this year.

TAGS: tornados, storms, farmlands, rural, pets, dogs, boy and dog stories, historical fiction, folktales, tall tales, storytelling, complex narrative, frame narrative, families, farming, farms, Oklahoma, O, fiction, chapter, humor

Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps. J.

INFO: Rylant, Cynthia. Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps. J. 1991.

DESC: Another adorable and charming number in Cynthia Rylant’s Henry and Mudge repertoire. “Bedtime Thumps” is a great read for anyone just emerging from leveled readers – its short, funny, and narratively linked chapters and lush (especially in this installment!) watercolor illustrations make for a striking, wondrous reading experience. Not to mention that both Henry and Mudge are as loveable and believable as they are funny! In this book, Henry’s family goes to visit Henry’s grandmother waaaay out in the country. Her house is tiny – and cluttered. Poor, gigantic Mudge knocks over everything in sight – until he finally gets sentenced to staying outside. What will Henry do without his best companion? How will Henry protect Mudge, if Mudge gets scared? And just what might happen if it’s Henry who’s needing Mudge for company and comfort in this strange new rural environment?

TAGS: easy reader, easy read, full-color illustrations, pictures, fiction, henry and mudge, cynthia rylant, boy and dog stories, dogs, pets, travelling, visiting relatives, strange new places, grandparents, trouble, scared at night

A New Friend at the Beach. G.

INFO: Dufresne, Michele. A New Friend at the Beach. G. 2007.

DESC: The crown jewel of the “vanity dog books” (read: photographs of the author’s dogs dressed up in weird clothes; with thin accompanying storyline) genre that appears in early readers (E-H), this book takes a look at two fluffy white dogs (who belong to the author) as they navigate predictable drama on the beach. This time, they try to figure out what clams are, with the help of a new friend – and end up deciding that maybe dog chow really is preferable to human food.

TAGS: vanity dog books, dogs, the beach, seaside, sea shore, clams, clam chowder, friendship, G

Stone Fox. P.

INFO: Gardiner, John Reynolds. Stone Fox. P. 1980.

DESC: A classic about the love of animal companionship, family, and perseverance. Little Willy enters his beloved dog, Searchlight, into an Iditarod-like dog race to try to win money to save the farm of his ailing grandfather, with whom he lives. But, as luck would have it, Little Willy and Searchlight are racing against Stone Fox, the toughest and best – and most legendary – dogsled racer around. What happens next tugs the heartstrings, and holds a host of lessons for young readers about balancing the things that matter in the most difficult times.

TAGS: family, grandpa, dogs, pets, farms, wyoming, dog racing, dogsled racing, adventure, peril, trial, bravery, overcoming hardship, teamwork, friendship, fiction, chapter, P

Shiloh. R.

INFO: Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Shiloh. R. 1991.

DESC: This heart-wrenching story is a hard-hitting tale of a young boy named Marty who falls in love with an abused, neglected beagle – who just so happens to belong to Judd Travers. It’s a story of compassion, bravery, and, ultimately, standing up for what you believe in, even if nobody else does. More than that, it’s an evocative and complex portrait of life in an impoverished mountain town in West Virginia, and the ties that hold the community together. Perfect for 3rd graders edging up into deeper and more mature reading material – and for anyone with a heart for animals! Written in West Virginia dialect — or the author’s approximation thereof.

TAGS: family, west virginia, dogs, animal abuse, bravery, courage, poverty, rural living, mountains, nature, determination, compassion, animal welfare, pets, chapter, fiction, R

Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery. P.

INFO: Howe, Deborah and James. Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery. P. 1979.

DESC: Bunnicula is a classic animal horror-mystery, but the best part isn’t the vampiric rabbit: it’s the incredible personalities of Harold and Chester, dog and cat, and the book’s main narrator & character. This book makes an awesome transition for strong readers into more complex elements of fiction – it contains multiple and sometimes conflicting points of view, evidence to be interpreted, “red herrings,” and even a frame-story, ‘editor’s letter,’ and prologue. Students love it!

TAGS: mystery, vampires, dracula, animals, rabbits, bunnies, dogs, cats, detective stories, family, adventure, spooky, scary, chapter, fiction, funny, P

Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend. J.

INFO: Rylant, Cynthia. Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend. J. 1992.

DESC: Henry and Mudge turn being bored on a nasty weekend into a spectacular adventure, thanks to an old refrigerator box and a little imagination from mom & dad! This book is a good transition to reading longer chapter books for students working up from F&P books because of its familiar subject matter and carefully placed challenge words.

TAGS: henry and mudge, henry, mudge, dogs, castles, adventure, boredom, families, crafts, fun, creativity, J